For the insanity of having two babies. I have taken care of a lot of singleton babies and no matter how many years I did that nothing could have mentally or physically prepared me for being the mother of twins. Don't get me wrong, I am so in love with my little boys and I couldn't imagine only having one baby, but this is tough! I am running on empty, but very grateful to have help from my mom who is staying with us for the first 6 weeks of their lives. Currently, the boys are not on the same schedule and are feeding on demand. I will be changing this soon as it is pretty difficult in the middle of the night. An example of a portion of our night... Charlie is up form 2am-3am, Ethan wakes up on cue at 3am-4am, I go to sleep by 4:20 and Charlie is up again at 5. Sometimes they wake at the same time so I get a little longer stretch of sleep, but we are not on any sort of pattern yet so it's a toss up every night. The boys are very good and don't usually fuss unless something is wrong so I can't complain.
Although this is tough, it's never boring! :)
A few pics of the first few days home...
First test in the pack n play

They were put in the crib far apart but Charlie (left) moved closer to Ethan.

You are doing an amazing job, Lauren (& Phil)! I'm so glad you are documenting all of this now. With as sleep-deprived as you are, you don't want to forget! :) Can't wait to see you all soon!!