Sunday, July 29, 2012

One year ago today...

On July 29th, 2011 we found out we were pregnant.  At that time we were so happy to be bringing a baby into the world and starting our family.  We had NO idea that we would be blessed with two perfect babies.  It is so much fun watching them grow and become little boys.  Time needs to slow down just a little bit! 

It's amazing that these little gummy bears turned into...


Charlie eating cereal

Ethan eating cereal
 Ethan was not happy with the spoon - although he loves it now! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

4 month check-up

Time flies!  The boys are already 4 months old.  They are looking great.  They got 2 shots and an oral vaccine.  Unfortunately, that night they were VERY unhappy and uncomfortable.  Then next morning they were back to new.  The doctor said we can start sleep training YAY!! She suggested we start with cereal and see if that helps keep them full longer.  As of now they are still waking every 3 hours to eat.  I didn't want to start solids until 6 months but I am willing to try anything to get a little more sleep.  
Here are their stats:

Weight - 15lbs 11ozs (50-75%)
Height - 24 in (25%)
Head Circumference - 43cm (50-75%)

Weight - 15lbs 5oz (50-75%)
Height - 25.5 in (75%)
Head Circumference - 43cm (50-75%) 

Even at 4 months old we can't tell them apart - Thank God for that birthmark on the back of Charlie's head! Ethan (L) Charlie (R)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Coolest moment EVER

Today I walked into the kitchen to put some dishes away.  When I came out the boys were on their playmat looking at each other and talking.  This is the first time they have ever noticed and acknowledged each other.  It was by far the coolest moment of twin mommyhood thus far.  
Here are the pictures I was able to snap of them.  I also got a little video :) Charlie is the one on the left and Ethan is on the right.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Charlie and Ethan's first 4th of July!

Grandma and Grandpa Prunty came out for the 4th of July.  We went to lunch at Lazy Dog cafe and ordered in P.F. Chang's for dinner :)  We didn't go to the fireworks this year, because the boy's would probably be too scared and it was way past their bedtime :)  
Ethan (L) Charlie (R)

On July 5th we went to Terranea Resort for lunch.  Love it there!  Here's grandpa keeping one of them warm - so bad but I have no idea which one! woops! 

Grandma and Grandpa let us go out to dinner for the first time in a LONG time alone!! :) 

July Firsts

July 14th - They both giggled for the first time 

July 17th - Ethan rolled from back to front.  Unfortunately, we missed the first time.  We were at the beach.  I was feeding Charlie and we were talking to some friends.  All the sudden Phil asked me, "How did Ethan get on his tummy?"  Yep, he rolled when no one was looking!  We got to see it that night though :) 

July 20th - Charlie rolled from back to front :)