During our hospital stay we were able to start getting used to being parents of two babies and Phil was able to change his first diaper and probably 100 by the time we left. I was pretty much in bed the entire time, other than when I needed to walk to help my recovery so I wasn't able to do much baby care.
When Charlie and Ethan had to go to the nursery with daddy for a bit they came back with these cute hats. The volunteers at the hospital make them for the babies. They also bring chocolate chip cookies to the moms during their hospital stay daily :)
Ethan (top) Charlie (bottom)

Throughout our stay our families came to visit, along with cousins Noreen and Paige and family friends, Randy, Nancy, cousin Shawna and Laurie Beth.
Here's some pictures of our visitors!
Uncle Bill, Aunt Sarah, Cousins Jake and Sam

Grandma Losie

Grandma Prunty and Ethan

Grandpa Prunty and Ethan

Grandpa Losie and Charlie

The boys hanging out together :)
Overall, the hospital stay was OK. We got our first doses of not sleeping through the night and the demands of two babies. The worst part was whenever the boys had to get blood drawn, which was more in the beginning since they feared their blood sugar was dropping since they weren't feeding too well. We supplemented with formula in the hospital but have not needed it since we've been home. It's still a learning game for me and the boys, but it's getting easier every day.
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