So we switched pediatricians... THANK GOD! We were NOT fond of the last one and now that we went through that I really wish I interviewed people before the boys were born. Oh well, lesson learned. Now we go to an awesome doctor that we both really enjoyed. We were finally given (yes, she wrote them down for us) your percentiles! The last Dr.would ramble them off super fast and by the time she was done I had no idea what she said! Here's the breakdown...
Weight - 13lbs 8oz (75th-90th percentile)
Length - 24 in (90%)
Head Circumference - 40.5cm (50-75%)
Weight - 13lbs 130z (75-90%)
Length - 23 1/4 in (50-75%)
Head Circumference - 41.5cm (75-90%)
So, Ethan is still a tad chubbier than Charlie, but Charlie is a bit taller! :)
Oh, and they did GREAT on their shots. They cried for a bit then they were fine.. They took a nap, we gave them tylenol, they woke up screaming like I've never heard them scream before. Luckily Phil came home early to help me with them and the next day they were back to new!