Monday, October 3, 2011

There really are two babies in there!

So today we got to go in a see the babies again. WOW, they have grown! We were doing a scan for their measurements to make sure they were growing at the right pace and there weren't any visible abnormalities. The Dr. said everything looked great. I had to lay there for about 20 minutes but phil got to watch the whole thing. He said they would kick off the sides of me and were bouncing all over the place. I wonder if that's a sign of how they will be when they get here :)

The Dr. scared me for a bit! With twins there is a risk for something called Twin to Twin transfusion. From what I understand if there is no membrane between the babies in the womb then one baby is basically the donor of blood to the other baby. When born, it would most likely cause problems from the baby receiving the donation. This can be very scary and the Dr. could not find the membrane after about 20 minutes. Of course she started to tell me she was getting worried - not good. I start to cry... then she finds it! PHEW! So we are in the clear. She did say that she thinks they will be identical because of how close they are together.

Here's our beans at 12 weeks 6 days. I guess they don't look like beans anymore- I need a new name :)


  1. I am still in shock about the news it is twins! For now, I will call them Thing One and Thing Two.

  2. PRECIOUS! And, no offense to your doctor, but I think she really should have kept that info to herself until she was SURE she could not find it! Sometimes people just don't think!
    I'm SO EXCITED for my nieces/nephews to grow and get here already!! :) have Phil give them a hug and a kiss from Auntie Michelle!
