Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dr. Visit - 21 weeks 5 days

Around 18 weeks we went in for our anatomy scan. They check all of the organs, facial features, weight and bone lengths. This is when they can tell if there are any heart defects or problems with brain development. The tech said they looked very good! One was 10 oz and one was 11oz. So basically I have 1lb 5oz of baby and who knows how many lbs of fluid. It's getting pretty heavy!!!

I went to the Dr. yesterday for my normal visit with my OB. He said everything is great and all of the tests came back normal (phew!). The boys are both doing well - he checked for their heartbeats on a quick ultrasound.

I go back in a month where they will schedule another anatomy ultrasound to make sure they are still both growing at the right pace. After that I believe I start going more often to check growth and positioning.

20 week belly shot!

Here I am at 20 weeks... I'll be posting another one soon!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Poop gets in there?!

So Phil and I are sitting on our couch, having a conversation tonight and I tell him that because I'm having a c-section he will probably be a pro at diaper changing since he will be doing most of it in the hospital, since I can't "jump" out of bed to do it. I proceed to tell him he's lucky we are having boys because it's much easier to clean a poopy diaper. I told him you have to make sure to wipe from front to back with a girl and get it out of a lot more crevices! He said "Wait, their poop gets in there?!" My answer: "Oh Phil, poop will be everywhere, on legs, on hands, on feet, and on you!". His face was priceless... this should be interesting :-)